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Trails Update (with lots of pics)

This one is going to be a picture heavy post. A LOT of work has been done to the trail system throughout the Center. Hundreds of tons of gravel has been moved (from our own gravel pit) to make the trail dry and with a solid base. Many culverts have been installed, ditches dug, and grading completed. The trail system is better than it has ever been!

Below are pictures that were taken from October 2022 through January 2023. The contractor's process was to use a small backhoe to fill up a small dump truck, then to take said dump truck and dump the gravel along the trail route. He would then use a small dozer to spread the gravel. The final step is to use a roller to flatten it all. We stress "small" because we didn't want large pieces of equipment to ruin the nature within the Center. This has worked out beautifully. See for yourself:

One last, special, picture. This one is of the firefly house firepit. We had two FANTASTIC volunteers donate their time to come in and completely weed out the pit. It was a trainwreck before this picture. They removed all the weeds and limestone, and then put down new underlayment and limestone on top. This was TRULY appreciated. True volunteers donate their time without wanting anything in return, which they did. Enough thanks cannot be given!


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